
Showing posts from 2015

Double Decker Experience!!!

A few days back I traveled from Chennai to Bangalore in the Double Decker express train. Right from the day the ticket was booked; I was looking forward for the journey. My excitement level was similar to that of a kid expecting a fun trip. The journey was a neutral one. It certainly did not live up to my expectation, but I would neither call it a bad one. Let me share with you a few pros and cons of the train. I was praying to get a seat in the upper deck, but to my disappointment, I got a seat in the lower deck. The train was definitely clean than most of the other trains I have traveled . It was clean both inside and out. The seating arrangements are very similar to that of a normal Chair Car. Three seats on one side, and two seats on the other side. After you get inside the train there are about two rows of seats in the middle level. Then you have steps that navigate to both the upper deck and the lower deck. I found my seat, which was near t...

In Search of Lost Love......

I cannot fight my tear When you are not any near Why would you leave me here? When no one else would hear There is no light in my life When you are out of my sight Gone are the nights that were warm Closely cuddled inside your arms All I wanted was another day To tell you everything I wanted to say What will I do anymore without you? Shattered into pieces without a clue I buried my face and wanted to scream Wishing all this was a dream Crazy as it sounds I am just running in rounds I do not know where I am going Without having any sense of an ending Before I have anything to say         Please take me with you right away!....

What would you do, If....??

Hello, there. Thanks, for taking the time to read this post. I am positive you will love it! OK, this is how it goes.  This post is simple, funny, motivating, (at least I say so ;)). I figured that in the vast world out there; many people are confused, anxious, and blase about their life. (Don’t ask me how I figured; I have some connection with ‘greater power of the universe’)Just kidding! I have a few of people I know; who feel this way, and I too feel it sometimes. So this post is more like a DIY. Not exactly a craft idea, but something to think about. Imagine that you were gifted any one of the following: A Magic Wand, A Genie, A Magic Switch, or A Time Machine. Let me guess. I can hear wishes already. (Costly car, palatial bungalow, trip around the world... Oh god! How did I forget the latest iPhone??) Now, sorry to interrupt, but let me explain the property of these imaginary things. They give you the power to go back 3 to 4 years of your lif...

Lets Go Shopping!!!!

I love shopping, yes shopping is absolutely fun. How I wish I had more money in my wallet! This is the typical though I have every time I shop. Sometimes I even think I should earn more so that I can shop more (silly me ;)).  Shopping is an experience altogether. I would personally say that it is something you do for yourself and the ones you love. You do not need to be taught to do it; you are the expert at choosing things. Starting from choosing your shoes, dresses, and accessories; picking out the designs, color and pattern is definitely intoxicating.  When you see the right product you actually imagine a scene where you would use it right? (Well, I do that. I see a good T-shirt; I visualize wearing it to meet friends at a hang out! ) (I am omitting the part in my imagination where I get to hear “Cool T, where did you get it? :)). The moment you pay the cash or swipe your card; and become the proud owner of the stuff you shopped is ecstatic. No wonder...

Liar Liar!!!

Last night I watched a Hollywood movie, “liar liar” in the TV channel Romedy Now. The movie is about a hotshot lawyer who loses his power of lying because his 5 year old son makes a wish on his birthday that “there was one full day where his dad could never tell a lie”. His day becomes miserable due to the fact he cannot lie. He even loses his job!!But in the end he realizes that the truth actually has set him free and feels the need to start a fresh lie without lying about anything. It is an old movie, and I have watched a couple of times. Being a Jim carry fan I find it fun to watch over again. A thought hit me while watching the movie. Why do we humans lie? Why can’t we just say the truth all the time? Why is it so difficult to tell facts to everyone? On an average day I am sure a person comes up with at least 5 lies. It starts with a simple one as “The traffic was horrible, and that is why I could not make it on time”; and the next one is, you pick up the phone and say “I am ...