Signs that you are in a good relationship!!

Hello there, thank you for taking the time to read this post. I would like to tell you that this post is completely based on my opinion and experience in life. I am no love-doctor or love-guru. However, with whatever knowledge I have, I think these broadly determine the quality and longevity of a good relationship. 

So, the following are signs that you are in a good relationship… 
  • You are honest with each other. Yes, it might sound a little cliche, but trust me, when you are honest with one another and can look right into their eyes and say the truth, the chances that you might stick along for a long time is high.

  • You can talk anything under the sky with your partner and still feel comfortable with them. Yes, if you people have been talking a lot with each other; sharing all your life’s experiences and expressing your silly dreams; then probably you are on the right track.
  • You can feel a sense of calm around him / her. When your everyday routine can get you on your heels and keep you tensed most of the time, and if your partner has this magical effect of calming your mind then, I guess it is a green signal for you.
  • You should be happy with your partner’s profession. It would be of great advantage if you like your partner’s job. For example if you are, am environmentalist and your guy works for a role that is completely against your principles, then you might get into arguments that are more frequent.  On the other hand, if your guy is working on a job that you can relate to and like it then it is going to help.
  • You take time to appreciate the other person and their activities. There is always more happiness around appreciation. People feel energized when they are appreciated.  If you are a person who takes the time to appreciate even the smallest things your partner does, then it is a happy factor to consider.
  • You guys have had crazy fights. I know it might seem a little weird, but I feel that a person who has put up with you in your worst deserves to be in your best of times. Therefore, if you and your partner have had the worst fights and still decided to bounce back, then I think it is a good foundation for a lifelong relationship.
  • This is the most important and indispensable factor for a good relationship. It is LOVE. Yeahhh!! You cannot pretty much hold on to a relationship without love. It is the foundation for the bond between the couple. 
So, that sums up my thoughts. There might be many other things involved when it comes to relationships. It is mostly about putting your partner’s happiness first and then yours. Feel free to share your views and suggestions about this post. Thank you.

"All, everything that I understand, I only understand because I love.”— Leo Tolstoy


  1. Expression of opinion commendable!

  2. Expression of opinion commendable!

  3. Good post Shobi.. you have covered the most important ones I guess. I might add respect and freedom.

    1. Thanks dear.. Yes well said.. Freedom and respect are very important..

  4. Lovely thoughts on love nd I m loving it !!!

  5. 'You cannot pretty much hold on to a relationship without love.'

    So true!!!!

  6. Nice stuff, Shobi! As you say, when the true self is not hidden when you get along, you are there!

  7. Nice stuff, Shobi! As you say, when the true self is not hidden when you get along, you are there!


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