Stop Right Now!!!

Hi there, thank you once again for taking your time to read this blog. Very recently while passing through a very familiar street in Bangalore, I realized that something was different in the street. The street looked wider and spacious. After mulling over for about a minute, it stuck me that the roads have become broader because the tress were cut down.

It was very disheartening to see the road barren of the trees. The beautiful canopy of trees on both sides that provided so much shade and coolness was lost. The street felt devoid of life. Why would the government approve for such a depressing act. Are not people ever going to realize that we have already swiped off a fair share of nature, and the more we are destructing, the more we are nearing danger.

I read in today’s news that the cab drivers in Delhi have initiated a protest. The protest was against the High court’s order of changing their diesel cabs to Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). The order was made two months ago and yet the cabs and taxi owners have not made the change. The order was passed because Delhi has become extremely unbearable in terms of pollution that in turn causes the excessive heat. I find it wicket to protest for a change that will help the betterment of people’s life. Should not the Delhi citizen take up more responsibility and make the city a better place?

The temperature all over the globe is on the raise constantly. It is high time, we, the people come together and stop the massive catastrophe we are heading for. Cutting down trees for industrial purpose, to build houses, and to widen the roads is only going to server the purpose for the current time. On the longer run, we are making the earth a place not suitable for living for our kids and their generation. We are at no will to consume all the natural resources around us. Cutting down trees has to end. The society has to show more inclination toward preserving our planet.

What are we going to do when all the trees will be cut and the land is desolate? What will we do once all our oil reserves replenish? What will we do when there are no rains? Hope these questions keep lingering in the minds of people. Hope for a greener and better world in the future.  


  1. Nicely done Shobhana. I feel people are knowledgeable but Ignorant. They knows the trend of environmental degradation happening in our nation yet are not taking any kind of responsibility. Attitudes must be changed, for that strong education reforms should come otherwise there wont be any kind of change. Besides, government should also adopt certain environmental framework in their agenda. I guess you must have read about Bhutan, if not do read about them and their interest in preserving nature. They are awesome. Until then, lets continue to write on this and hope for the change.

  2. Thank you Gowtham. Thanks for sharing your views. Will definitely read about Bhutan.

  3. I think we need to think from both of their perspectives and beIng there for almost 2 decades, I know how hard it is to inhale fresh air amidst such high pollution. But it is not only the capital city which concerns me but our own Bengaluru. Do read this,
    Someone should ACT before it's too LATE !!

    1. Thank you Vishnu Nair for sharing your ideas on my post. Yes, Will read that article.. Hope we have a greener place in the future..


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