Stop Right Now!!!
Hi there, thank you once again for taking your time to read this blog. Very recently while passing through a very familiar street in Bangalore, I realized that something was different in the street. The street looked wider and spacious. After mulling over for about a minute, it stuck me that the roads have become broader because the tress were cut down. It was very disheartening to see the road barren of the trees. The beautiful canopy of trees on both sides that provided so much shade and coolness was lost. The street felt devoid of life. Why would the government approve for such a depressing act. Are not people ever going to realize that we have already swiped off a fair share of nature, and the more we are destructing, the more we are nearing danger. I read in today’s news that the cab drivers in Delhi have initiated a protest. The protest was against the High court’s order of changing their diesel cabs to Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). The order was made ...